Currently, there is a worldwide issue ongoing with Microsoft Azure which affects currently all operations done against Windows Virtual Machines. When someone is trying to start/stop virtual machines you get the following error message.
Update: The issue has been solved, and operations against Windows Virtual Machines are working again.
No version found in the artifact repository that satisfies the requested version ” for VM extension with publisher ‘Microsoft.WindowsAzure.GuestAgent’ and type ‘CRPProd’.
Azure CRP = Compute Resource Provider (Which is responsible for all VM actions by default uses a built-in extension WindowsAzureGuestAgent to communicate with the VM which is built-in and not visible within the extension list. This Guest agent is responsible for a lot of different communication flows and services such as DNS/DHCP but also reporting back to the CRP about the status of the agent.
Seems like Microsoft made some changes on the backend artifact so there is a version mismatch. As long as the version mismatch is there it is hard to make some changes to any Windows based virtual machine since there is a dependency between actions against the provider and GuestOS version.
The are currently no workaround: So for instance reregistering the resource provider for compute does not help and since this only affects the Windows agents, Linux servers are not affected or other VM’s that does not use the Windows Guest Agent.
Update: It should also be noted that this outage also affects other services that are dependent on Compute Resources such as Azure Virtual Desktop, Azure Kubernetes Service (running Windows) as well.
And this affects all Azure datacenters worldwide. The current version of the Azure VM Guest Agent which is running version 2.7.41491.1024 which needs to be reflected in the backend.
NOTE: it seems like the latest Windows Agent for #azure Was abandoned due to self update issue. This was to be the next version after the version that most are running on now which is 2.7.41491.1024
Updating the VM Guest Agent to the latest version on Github will not repair running VM’s either. You will still get the same error message when trying to make changes.
Stay tuned for more information. However I recommend that you should be reading up on the SLA agreement for Virtual Machines SLA for Virtual Machines | Azure