
IPv6 Support in Microsoft Azure

With more governmental requirements enforcing requirements that public-facing services need to support IPv6 a lot of customers that have started their cloud journey might be having some issues with adopting IPv6 on all their services. Especially with Microsoft Azure, not all services support IPv6 natively, therefore, I wanted to write this post to give an …

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Samsung hacked by Lapsus

Last week, a hacker group called LAPSUS had able to gain access to NVIDIA and was able to collect a large amount of data from the internal fileservers, including code signing certificates. Now this week they also claim that they have hacked Samsung, and are providing a lot of claims/proof on what kind of data …

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New Book Project: Windows Ransomware Protection and Detection

10 years ago, I wrote my first book together with Packt Publishing, today I’m happy to announce that I’m started working on a new book project together with them. The title will be “Windows Ransomware Protection and Detection“, the content of the book will be focused on: * What is ransomware? giving real-life examples of …

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Threat Hunting in Microsoft Azure

A while back, a customer asked me to help inspect what happened to an environment in Azure that got compromised and was used to launch a ransomware attack.  Unfortunately, this environment also had a VPN connection between Azure and their existing on-premises data center which also meant that their entire infrastructure got compromised eventually…. Now …

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Upgrade Azure Kubernetes Service using Terraform

With Azure Kubernetes Service, Microsoft is constantly developing the service to follow the release cycle of Kubernetes, with an updated version coming every 3. months it means that it requires a lot of upgrading of the Kubernetes instances to be on a supported version. Microsoft has a list here of the release calendar Supported Kubernetes versions …

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Getting started with Azure Operator for Kubernetes

So, what is a Kubernetes Operator? it is software extensions to Kubernetes to provide it with the ability to provision resources or changes outside of the cluster. Think about the ability to provision resources in a cloud provider but as Kubernetes resources instead of using other means to build resources. Consider that Kubernetes can be …

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Customize Azure Kubernetes Service Diagnostics for Azure Log Analytics

If you are using Azure Kubernetes Service you will also in many cases, be using Container Insights in combination with Kubernetes Cluster audit data, which allows for deeper insight into your Kubernetes environment and containers. However, with the default settings, Container Insight and Kubernetes Audit is a data-hungry demon it seems. If you have a …

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Trouble with Exchange in 2022 – Cannot Convert 220101001 to long

Many Exchange admins woke up today and seeing that Exchange is no longer processing emails. This is because Microsoft Filtering Management Service is stopping because it cannot handle the new date format. The reason for this is because Microsoft is using a signed int32 for the date and with the new value of is …

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