
MBAM beta 2.0

This has been a very anticipated release, Microsoft has shown off some of the capabilities at Teched ( I haven’t been there, just following the twitter storm) Today Microsoft released the beta 2.0 and it is public available, In order to download the Beta you have to register on What is MBAM? …

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LinkedIn password leakage?

A lot of rumors are going on twitter and it sites now that LinkedIn has been hacked, or not hacked but a list containing password hashes for 6.5 million LinkedIn users are public available  on underground sites. Either way people should change their password on LinkedIn ASAP! Another rumor ( in norwegian) is that LinkedIn has using …

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Windows 8 Release preview available

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 release preview was released yesterday,  and the versions are according to Microsoft “fully-featured” which means that all the features that is going to be in the final release is in the release can download both of them right now! Windows 8: Windows Server 2012: Also with this release …

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New certifications from Microsoft

Microsoft has updated their certification site with a WHOLE load of new certifications for the release of windows server 2012.If you now go to the MCSE site on Microsoft’s site you can now see new exams for Windows Server 2012 & Windows 8 New exams that I can see so far is. 70-410  Installing and …

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SCCM 2012 Security

For large systems like ConfigMgr 2012 there are a lot settings needed in order to get it running. Sometimes you miss a setting or two, or you forget to properly set the right access for an account.From a security point-of-view there is a lot that can go wrong.ConfigMgr requires a lot of security rights on …

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Something new in ConfigMgr 2012 is that Microsoft added a new site type, which is the CAS (Central Administration Site)Microsoft says the following about it” The central administration site coordinates inter-site data replication across the hierarchy by using Configuration Manager database replication. It also enables the administration of hierarchy-wide configurations for client agents, discovery, and …

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Citrix Web interface customizing

This article is written with mind of changing and customizing the web interface (v 5.4)Sometimes the default web interface isn’t enough. Of course its pretty to watch and has clean layout, but sometimes you need it to fit the business standard.The web interface consists of two folders. C:Program Files (x86)CitrixWeb Interface5.4.0C:inetpubwwwrootCitrixXenApp Unless you specify some …

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Windows server 2012 roadshow

For those who are interested in windows server, and wish to know more about whats coming in server 2012 I suggest you sign up for The windows server 2012 roadshow in a location near you 😉 You can find the dates and locations (and sign up info) here Im attending the one in oslo …

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