Citrix Synergy 2014 day 1 summary

So Citrix just recently had their first keynote of their annually Synergy conference and there are some exiting new features coming this year. So for those that haven’t seen or read about the updates here is a quick update list.

* Citrix Workspace Suite (Which is a bundle which combines XenDesktop (Platinum) and XenMobile (Enterprise) which is available now.

* Citrix Receiver X1 (Which is a new receiver which combines MDX and HDX technology into one and the same receiver

* Google Receiver (Is coming with a new HTML 5 receiver for Chromebooks which will have USB redirection and stuff like that.

* Citrix XenMobile 9 (With support for stuff like Windows Phone 8 and so on, more here –> and with new WorX apps such as WorxNotes, WorxEdit, WorkDesktop (Which is a gotomypc app.

* Netscaler 10.5 which has more features releated to mobile traffic and with it MobileStream (A blog post is coming later releated to 10.5 when I am allowed to do so Smilefjes) Beta is available now.

* Citrix Workspace Services ( A cloud platform to deliver DaaS and virtual apps) which is cloud agnostics, where Azure is one of the options. You also have Amazon, Softlayer and so on. Which allows you to create services on any type of cloud provider. You can read more about this from Brad Anderson at Microsoft here –> 
A tech Preview of this is coming second half 2014 but you can sign up for the tech preview when available here –> and a bit more info here –>

* Updates for Sharefile with new connectors! ( makes it easier to connect to personal file storage providers such as OneDrive / DropBox etc.)

So far a good day 1, looking forward to day 2 keynote.

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