This article is written with mind of changing and customizing the web interface (v 5.4)
Sometimes the default web interface isn’t enough.
Of course its pretty to watch and has clean layout, but sometimes you need it to fit the business standard.
The web interface consists of two folders.
C:Program Files (x86)CitrixWeb Interface5.4.0
Unless you specify some other folder during install.
You can of course do much of the customization with the Web Interface administration console, but doing changes here might revert that changes that you did manually.
So we are going to change the layout manually.
The first folder C:Program Files (x86)CitrixWeb Interface5.4.0
contains the clients for Xenapp, client detecting scripts(and some graphics) & language files (so here you can change the default language)
Deploying client using web interface
If you wish to deploy a new client via web interface you need to download the new client from Citrix, put the client in the
C:Program Files (x86)CitrixWeb Interface5.4.0ClientsWindowsReceiver (Im using the windows client for this demo) folder.
And go to the C:inetpubwwwrootCitrixXenAppconf and open the webinterface.conf file (as admin) and look up this string.
ClientIcaWin32=Filename:CitrixReceiver.exe,Directory:Windows,Mui:Yes (double check that the .exe file is named citrixreceiver.exe ) This string point to the other folder and finds the exe file and offers it to users that need the client.
You can also specify a version nr at the end of the string, in case the web interface will offer a client to the user if the user has an older version installed.
ClientIcaWin32=Filename:CitrixReceiver.exe,Directory:Windows,Mui:Yes,Version:13.0 for instance.
After this is done, do an iisreset.
If you don’t want to deploy clients via the web interface you can either guide users to the citrix download web site
or you can use a merchandising server (Which handles client deployment )
Add your own language files to web interface
If you wish to add your own language file and make it available for web interface there are a couple of things that you need to do.
Go to the folder C:Program Files (x86)CitrixWeb Interface5.4.0languages, you will see there that there is a lot of duplicate files each with their own language code at the end.
If order to add your own, create a duplicate of each file with your own language code. In my case I choose Norwegian and therefore used the no code.
So the files now look like this.
I just took a copy of the default ones that are in English and translated the words in these files to Norwegian.
After you have created these files and you are finished with the translation the change should be available after an iisreset.
(In case you wish to download a Norwegian language pack for web interface, head over to Wedel IT –>
If you wish to change the new language to default open the C:Program Files (x86)CitrixWeb Interface5.4.0innstallanguage.conf and change the code there.
Changing webinterface.conf
Much of the changes that you can do in web interface is done in webinterface.conf, most of the settings that are in here are documented at Citrix eDocs –>
But I’m going to go trough some of them, that I find useful.
* DomainSelection (Here you can specify a default domain for the users that enter) for instance if you have the AD domain test.local the string to say DomainSelection=test
* HideDomainField=On (This should also be used in conjunction with Domainselection, all this does is hide the domain field under username & passord.
* AppTab is used to specify which tabs that should appear in the website. For instance
Changing layout
If you wish to change the layout, by removing images or to using your own images.
Open the file
Now, if you want to hide the header logo, “Citrix XenApp,” locate the “#horizonTop img” section and add the following line: display: none
if you wish to remove the bottom logo you can find the #footer img section and add the line “display: none”.
Remember to take a backup of before you start editing it.
And also if you wish to add a javascript before the user logs in you can add this to the login.js
which is under C:inetpubwwwrootCitrixXenAppauthclientscripts
or the default.html file located in the root folder.
If you wish you can write your own version of the web interface, Citrix has an SDK available for download
The SDK download also includes tutorials for how you can build your own WI.
But take note now that Web interface is EOL in 2015, and will be replaced by Storefront.
You can read more about it at Thomas Kötzing blog –>
Citrix has later integrated this into Cloud gateway.