For the last three years I have been working at a VAD (Value Add Distributor) in Norway called Commaxx, where my focus has been on Veeam/Microsoft/Citrix and also Dell the last year or so. My focus was on pre-sales, consultant, trainer among other things and has given me a real career boost on my part. The last year or so has been doing alot of stuff around Azure and System Center which as been fun.
So now I am entering into my final week at Commaxx, had some great years there but due to personal stuff I will be changing job (really soon) and my focus from a technical point-of-view will lay elsewhere. Not that I wont be working with Microsoft/Citrix/Veeam/Dell but I will try to embrace even more stuff and become more technical, one of the key things I have seen know is that I still know so little about IT and there is so many stuff I want to know more about. Think this quote sums it up
As I see it I not an expert in anything, if anything I more of a generalist. But maybe that allows me to see the big picture in alot of things. Becides, there are no experts in IT, just those that understand stuff a bit more then others
Stay tuned!