New eBook in the making – Securing web applications with Citrix NetScaler

As Ive mentioned before I always have a longer project in the making which was to create a large free eBook on NetScaler, and to make that more achiveable I needed to split it out into multiple projects. So far I’ve created an ebook on Optimization and one book on NetScaler Gateway. This time I wanted to focus on Security, since that is always something that I’ve had a particular interest in. Below is the topics that I’ve had in mind for this eBook. First discuss the security landscape and what kind of different solutions we have and where the fit into the datacenter. Next go into the NetScaler how it can help and the move into different subjects and things to think about.

The security landscape.
How NetScaler can help web applications.
NetScaler basics.
Feature Processing.
NetScaler and traffic flow..
TCP Profiles.
Hardening the NetScaler.
Load balancing basics.
SSL Basics.
SSL Policies in NetScaler.
Troubleshooting SSL configuration.
Working with Certificates.
SNI, SAN & Wildcard certificates.
Limiting reconnaissance information.
Handling L7 attacks.
HTTP QoS with AppQoE.
Handling L4 attacks.
Rate limiting.
Access lists.
Combining ACLs with IP reputation.
Geo based ACLs.
Enhanced authentication feedback.
Authentication levels.
SAML & Oauth Authentication.
Application Firewall
NetScaler Security Insight

If you think I’ve missing something obvious from this eBook let me know!

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