Customizing Storefront Interface for a stormtrooper

Since Citrix is going to kill of its previous web interface (version 5.4) solution, which is End of Maintance in 2014 (But hasn’t come with a new release since 2011) This is going to be replaced with StoreFront.
Storefront is also a part of Cloud gateway and is a key part of the remote access solution for Citrix.
And in Web Interface 5.4 we had huge options for customization, and therefore we have to explore the options we have with Storefront as well.

So this is how the default GUI looks like. Just like the Citrix receiver looks like but does not always fit everyone’s need.
So let’s go customizing. First of let’s declare where we can find the config files.

The web interface is installed by default in C:inetpubwwwrootcitrix(“nameofstorefrontweb”)
And it contains numerous folders.

And as with web interface a lot can be done in the web.config file, like for instance define a path to Receiver clients.

And if you open default.html you can change the title and which JS and CSS the site uses.

So in order to change something the easiest way to find out it so use Internet Explorer and fire up developer tools or Chrome (Or Firefox with Firebug) (Since it makes it easier to inspect elemets).

This will show you what attribute is connected (if it is added by CSS or by a media file) but what I can start with is to change the background image, which is located in the “media” folder. First of the image bg_bubbles is the image file that is used in the background. Therefore, I downloaded a star wars image, changed its name to bg_bubbles.jpg, and changed the name of the previous one in the images folder. Make also note that a lot of the media is also contained in the uiaareas folder as well.

There much better! J

Now I wish to change the text that is displayed in the attributes domainuser is not particular useful.
Go to the inetpubwwwrootCitrixAuthenticationApp_Dataresources and look in the ExplicitCommonsForms.resx and you can alter the value.

So now let’s add some customization to the CSS file under contrib and customstyle.css
First advice as I said before use Firefox + Firebug, Chrome or IE with Developer tools to find what CSS container you need to change.

If we wish to change the logontext add this to your customstyle.css

/* Logon text color, alignment and size. */ #logonbox-logonform label{







Now if we wish to change the logo that appears when authenticating on the left side we have to go to the inetpubwwwrootCitrixMinWebuiareasAuthenticationmedia folder and change the logo_notagline picture
Not really pretty but It works.

0 thoughts on “Customizing Storefront Interface for a stormtrooper”

  1. Marius, to change the Citrix logo on logonpage, you need to create a logo in example png. make sure its transparent, so background colour shows through it. that way it will be pretty, not ugly, as ugly does not bake the cake 🙂

  2. Pingback: Customizing Storefront Interface for a stormtrooper | Conde Malagueta

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