Citrix service XML broker port

When you install Citrix Xenapp with the default settings, the XML Service Broker will listen on port 80 by default. Usually this is the easiest way, since most ACLs/firewalls have port 80 open, but in case you want to change it, this is how.

The XML Broker is the ‘point of contact’ in your presentation server farm used by Web Interface to autheticate users and enumerate applications.

When you enter your credentials, they are passed to the XML broker configured in Web Interface Admin, which then passes them on to the IMA service, which ultimately fulfills the authentication request.

You can change it by opening a cmd shell and using the command -> ctxxmlss.exe

CTXXMLSS.EXE Command Line Usage

The command-line syntax below applies to all MetaFrame environments:


CTXXMLSS [switches] [/Rnnnn] [/Knnn] [/U] [/?]


/Rnnnn – Registers the service on port number nnnn
/Knnn – Keep-Alive nnn seconds (default 9).
/U – Unregisters the service.
/? (help) – Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utilities options.

If its already registered to port 80, you have to type ctxxmlss.exe /u first then
ctxxmlss.exe /r8080 (in this case port 8080 is used.)

After registering the service, go to Web Interface Mgmt, right-click the Xenapp site, click Server Farms. Highlight Farm1, click Edit. Change the port to the new port (e.g. 8080).

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