How Nutanix works with Hyper-V and SMB 3.0

In my previous blog post I discussed a bit about software defined options using Hyper-V and that Windows Server is getting alot of good built-in capabilities but lacks the proper scale out solution with performance, which is also something that is coming with Windows Server 2016. Now one of the vendors which I talked …

How Nutanix works with Hyper-V and SMB 3.0 Read More »

Citrix Netscaler and support for next generation web traffic protocols like SPDY & HTTP/2

Now with the ever growing pace of internet traffic, we are being faced with one challenge, an old protocol which is over 15 years old now and is now way any shape to continue in this race, and yes the one I am talking about is the HTTP protocol. Now over the years, Google has …

Citrix Netscaler and support for next generation web traffic protocols like SPDY & HTTP/2 Read More »

Getting started with Azure Application Gateway

Finally something Ive been waiting for to arrive!  Microsoft announced yesterday something called Azure Application Gateway, which is a layer 7 HTTP based load balacing feature. Which has many more persistency features and features like SSL offloading which makes certificate management easier. And with the SSL offloading feature we can remove SSL processing from the …

Getting started with Azure Application Gateway Read More »

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