So been a few hetical weeks! (Or should I say months)
My book has been released to most of the major online book resellers, its called
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager High-Availability and Performance tuning

You can see it from Amazon here –>
I am also in the process of writing another book regarding Citrix Netscaler which will most likely be finished in Q2 2014 so really exited about that since I see few Netscaler book out there and hopefully with the latest changes in Netscaler my book has a place in that major gap.
Also im speaking in January at NIC (Nordic Infrastructure Conference) which is one of the largest IT-conference in the nordics. It mostly focuses on Microsoft technology (System Center, Hyper-V, Collabaration etc)
I have a session on thursday regarding Cross-platform monitoring using System Center, which will mostly focus on how to monitor different platforms such as Citrix, Vmware, Azure, Amazon and what other possibilities we have with Operations Manager. So for those that are attending NIC please drop by!