Windows 8 Server beta installation

Yesterday Microsoft released the beta for Windows 8, including Windows 8 server. I’ve been curious too see what improvements Microsoft has done to the server platform. And Since I’ve mostly certified in Microsoft Server products, I have another round to go with certifications when they are released. I am particular interested in what improvements Microsoft …

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Windows 8 links

During the last day, Microsoft has posted alot of good documentation regarding Windows 8. Both the server edition and the regular edtion. Microsoft has also posted alot of technical documentation regarding windows 8 server roles. But its all located on different places so I’ve decided to post the lot here for easier access 🙂 Windows …

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Deployment of Citrix Reciver through webinterface

For those that don’t have merchandising server it is possible to control what version of Citrix Reciver users have trough the web interface (Not for all clients f.eks iOS and Android ) Those have to get theirs at the market/marketplace. PS: This is for Webinterface 5.4 ( Xenapp 6.5) On the web interface server open  C:inetpubwwwrootCitrixXenAppconfwebinterface.conf …

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RBAC in Configmgr 2012

A feature that I hold dear in SCCM 2012 is the Role Based Access Control, in previous versions (2007)  there were no good way to control permissions in 1 site. Now in 2012 its much easier to assign permissions to a group or user in the SCCM console. For those that don’t know what RBAC …

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