Closer look at Liquidware labs and FlexApp

After I initially published my blogpost on Application Layering vs Application Virtualization, I got more in-depth of the different technologies out there, and sure I didn’t cover all of them I just focused on the ones I found the most interesting. Now at this time when I was working on this type of technology …

Closer look at Liquidware labs and FlexApp Read More »

Create a custom resource in Azurestack marketplace example XenDesktop

After dabbling around with AzureStack for some time I decided to see how easy it was to add custom resources to AzureStack marketplace so users themselves can provision virtual machines. As an example I choose XenDesktop (empty site with pre-installed SQL server) There are a few steps needed to actually do this. 1: Download Azure …

Create a custom resource in Azurestack marketplace example XenDesktop Read More »

What you need to know about local data protection feature in Nutanix and thinks to think about

So the last couple of days I’ve been spending time wrapping myself up in some of the data availability features in the Nutanix platform. Now with Nutanix we have the possibility to setup local cluster snapshots schedules. We also have the option to define remote site snapshots (Which can either be a physical cluster or …

What you need to know about local data protection feature in Nutanix and thinks to think about Read More »

What is Microsoft doing with RDS and GPU in 2016? and what are VMware and Citrix doing?

So it was initially labed Server 2016, for then I forgot an important part of it, which ill come back to later. This year, Microsoft is most likely releasing Windows Server 2016 and with it a huge number of new features like Containers, Nano, SDN and so on. But what about RDS? Well Microsoft is …

What is Microsoft doing with RDS and GPU in 2016? and what are VMware and Citrix doing? Read More »

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